Monday, February 2, 2009

Piece Of Sky

I woke from your bed knowing where I was
that silent morning still resembling night
hating the day's start for ending what we continued
and could have...
at that moment everything felt so right.

I forgot my own name as I thought of yours
and traced your body with my eyes under the moons revealing light
praying to a god I don't believe in to allow me some more
time and touch and taste from your body so tight.

All trouble was forgotten and my mind at ease
forgetting my life,my pain,and even my home
feeling so easy while at peace
and un-alone.

I can recall the sound of your breath
the wet formed on your back's soft skin
and the rise in your chest while I think you at peace sleeping..
safe from all the pain you've been in.

How I felt so dizzy as I fell to the sky
in that one moment that was perfection and heaven on earth
Reflections of that day come up all on their own
bringing joyful tears to my eyes
So I take that with me to sleep
where I sometimes am lucky enough to dream
and though my body every night does lay
my heart never lies.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Our days are numbered
when hearts run tired or empty
forever encumbered
and so I seek my own eternal slumber.

Through action and habit
of emptiness and schedule
I'm chasing my special white rabbit
without fear of the hole or whole.

And in the end there is peace
at it's beginning.
Or infinite torment
by the hands of tormenting's lease.

It can be easier to say goodbye
to ones you loved
than a stranger in your life
that you never had the chance to.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Head bowed down,always,the quivered lip
with stains falling down
on each side of my hips.

Crushing blows repeated
but thankfully for awhile
ecstasy in those moments without
a welcomed refuge in your docile.

"It's what you can bear"
to stand to take.
while in your presence
how my flesh does quake
but yearns
and needs.

Forgiving your deeds
as flaws in design
my want to strong to fight
as all the pains become benign.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tangled Web

All dialogue has been removed for purpose of protection and anonymity.

The spider is such a fascinating and frightening creature.With long legs and a quick temper,the stuff that nightmares are made of.Such hostility and poison in one so capable of the most intricate and beautiful of weaved webs that has inspired artist and scientist alike.

A spider will spend most of its days alone,in the confines of it's own hole and thoughts.Venturing out onto the unsure earth only for food it has captured by design,along with the odd mate now and then.That primal need to procreate present,and to feed....are the rules lived by the wild creatures of this planet.

Food is always as abundant as the unlucky insect to make contact with the web.Once caught,it's fate is instantly sealed.Courtship can be just as deadly,though not so quickly decided upon.There is always the dance of death.Those moves you make when you know he's or she's watching.Such violence in it's sexuality,the persistant displays of showmanship and teasing,if not appreciated or reciprocated,can lead to to one deadly bite that turns would be lovers into mortally wounded enemies.

How like spiders do human interact?With the unspoken thought or held back tongue,the rush and fear of consequence,while enjoying the ferocity of coupling.Though neither courters end up dead,there is a mortal wound inflicted to the heart,in those silent screams of things left unsaid,or wants left to hope.


A spider web is extruded from the body,with only one purpose.To trap prey,keeping them on hold until seen fit to take part in their nurishment,taking of their body and insides at whim and want.Filling up and out,then discarding the remains of a life's story never told.

How ironic that one such as myself,so scared of spiders,now finds himself trapped in a web of emotion and sticky string.All the while struggliing to break free,but to no avail.That web cast too strong to resist,and so dangerous to make me yearn for a prisoners release.

And so it spins the most intricate of designs,made of the softest of silks.Patterns and corners given attention to,with one purpose in mind.Survival.To feed and be full,if only to allow a brief respite from the daily needs of body and hunger.

Those soft and gentle fingers,as if made by silk,that caress every inch of my body in the sweet tenderness and need in your touch.I do not respond with screams as I should,for the obvious danger,but with a lover's sigh.That moment of being in the moment only,an erection of nipple as you trace my chest with such learned hands.

The struggle is useless.The web too strongly made just for that one purpose.With every ounce of strength that is fought,more is then lost and then in turn given to the captor.The spider with ease,travels the web to claim it's prize.A predators glare reflected in the eyes of the prey,that fights with all it's being,yet lacking the strength of body to fight back.

And thus is the invited web I seem to have caught myself upon.And though my heart is still strong and wants to break free,it is the want of body that cannot resist it.The inevitable consumation nor consummation,by a spider I'd be gladly consumed by,each and every time I am hollowed.