Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Always Tomorrow

Someone had sent me a message,reminding me that tomorrow was actually the anniversary of 9/11.As I don't place much importance,other than the expected minimum,on holidays or days of importance,the message came at a time when I was already experiencing some reverie.
I was thinking about the enormous capacity that people have to bounce back,or to continually fight through whatever comes their way.To get back up as each hit knocks us down or makes us stagger.To keep giving when we are told to give up.
Personally,there are many days that I wonder whether or not I will ever make it to the next.Will I have the strength to go on,when I'm almost too tired to even draw breath?But I always get up,step out,and get on with matter what is to be faced,I face it.And am lucky enough to still be alive to do so.
There are many people who no longer have the chances we do.To do the things they always wanted to,or to say what they would have heard to the ones they loved,or could have.To chase their dreams,even in futility,come what may.
A life made up of "what ifs" and "what could have beens",only dishonors us,and those without the chance to make the choices we have taken so lightly.
No matter what happens in life,it's always good to be able to say "I AM HERE"

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


To be human is to be failing
and broken.
Perfection is a myth that should never be desired
nor sought after.
All my beauty lies beneath the skin
in my faults and weaknesses.
In that part of me that wants to believe in
that wants to be better.
What is better?
That's too individual a choice.
Incomplete,I find more fulfilling.
I die everyday.


Why a bottled butterfly flutters
when it should lay down and die?
~Sentenced to a prison~
It knows it's fate
and goes in haste.
Better to burn out,than fade away as waste.

Forever Knight

Fell now my blade and tongue
sharp and blunt with the stains of the fallen
upon it's hungry tip.
Vengeance and cruelty of fable old
and faerie forgotten
will be judisciously weilded
and rightfully so.
A dark knight under moon
protected by tides of shadow and it's feral glow.
Her champion given passage
his lust a compass.
Beware the warrior who has lost much
for there is not much left to be held sacred
for one so blasphemous and wronged.
Tread lightly but be quick
it's the hunt I cherish
more than the kill.
A well for a stomache
that flesh and blood can never fill.
Dawn is my enemy
and they hide safely in light.
It burns me to degrees
a safety I've never known
my accursed blight.

Fist For Heaven

Yes I dare!
What's mine is mine,and Heaven will wait
for my will to be done.
Your kingdoms halls are full enough
earth's angel remains by my side.
Challenge me.
No Hell nor scorned
hath a fury compared to my persistance.
A light so strong and fires so blue
to pale your gates
and shadow your ladder.
Bring your armies
your champions and children
all will be slain by the sword of one so set.
A new kingdom arises
with stony walls but a warm hearth.
My castle made of cave
heart and soul.


Today I rose to the sounds of my own lobotomy
with the sun sneaking into my cell
and a stranger shouting profanities outside my hole.
The day does not welcome me kindly.
It teases me like a whore with the promise of infection
but I must play my part in it.
There is much to be said,though from lips so dead
this failed tongue as of late.
The joys and pains,insignificant and mundane.
Be at ease children of the night that play
It is forever night that I pray for this day.

Monday, September 1, 2008

What's going on.

I have just opened this account,and there is much work to do.I have a sizeable amount of past poetry to enter,along with trying to write some new entries.This will take some time,so your patience is appreciated if there are days I drown you with too much content.This shall be a site dedicated mostly to poetry...hope you enjoy it.