Sunday, December 28, 2008


Head bowed down,always,the quivered lip
with stains falling down
on each side of my hips.

Crushing blows repeated
but thankfully for awhile
ecstasy in those moments without
a welcomed refuge in your docile.

"It's what you can bear"
to stand to take.
while in your presence
how my flesh does quake
but yearns
and needs.

Forgiving your deeds
as flaws in design
my want to strong to fight
as all the pains become benign.


Anonymous said...

Hey...the heart on the sleeve thing...done it...still doing it.

Stop now while you can get out alive, baby. I'm looking through a broken mirror at myself.

luv you anyway.

.99centPoetry said...

hehe,thanks AlliPie.

I don't seem to ever be able to stop wearing it on my sleeve.Not sure I want to,though it scared people away fast.

Luv ya too sweety *kisses*

goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......