Monday, February 2, 2009

Piece Of Sky

I woke from your bed knowing where I was
that silent morning still resembling night
hating the day's start for ending what we continued
and could have...
at that moment everything felt so right.

I forgot my own name as I thought of yours
and traced your body with my eyes under the moons revealing light
praying to a god I don't believe in to allow me some more
time and touch and taste from your body so tight.

All trouble was forgotten and my mind at ease
forgetting my life,my pain,and even my home
feeling so easy while at peace
and un-alone.

I can recall the sound of your breath
the wet formed on your back's soft skin
and the rise in your chest while I think you at peace sleeping..
safe from all the pain you've been in.

How I felt so dizzy as I fell to the sky
in that one moment that was perfection and heaven on earth
Reflections of that day come up all on their own
bringing joyful tears to my eyes
So I take that with me to sleep
where I sometimes am lucky enough to dream
and though my body every night does lay
my heart never lies.


Thom said...

How you beautifully you captured the moment...

joetalk said...

all i can say is wow . . . that was beautiful