Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Rose

We are only in the here and now.People only last as long as the moments you spend with them.Live and learn from life,love then learn how to,lose and learn how to love again.

"Don't go,I don't want you to" an expectant breath hangs on my lip.

~Stupid.What a stupid thing to say~

There is no message nor meaning to life,other than what is experienced between the lines of your fiction and my fantasy.Some stories can have only one writer...and are never meant for reading.

"I can see what you're thinking" as a wicked smile shapes the saints face into a devilish grin.
"It's the kindest thing anyone has said to me yet,how stupid it would be to decline"

***There is a story of a tree,from before the time of insanity and consequence.A tree with limbs more numerous than leaves,and one fruit for each limb that has grown into the blackest of red,weighing as heavily on said tree as a human heart.

"I will never be able to speak of promises,I have long since forgotten how to offer them.I'm not trying to be hurtful,it is just my truth" that look of worry surfaces on his face.


"I don't want for promises anymore,my love may bind but it is without chains"...

~In the distance a newborn cries for it's mother's breast~

***For every heart that is broken,a fruit shall fall upon the earth.Despite the soil's temperment,that fruit shall bring to life a struggling bud.A flower is born with petals made of the brightest red resembling velvet crushed by the gentlest of angel's hands,and thorns that can draw blood faster than any butcher's knife.

Thus the rose was fashioned from a tree born of human emotion with the deepest of hopes and pains.A faunal representitive of sapien dreams.


Thom said...

Yay, you're on Blogger!

I love this. It is what I remember as the best kind of writing you did on that OTHER site. But that OTHER site had a pretty pedestrian audience and time is eroding the quality of what remains.

I have always loved the poet in you. That, and your flat out rants comprise your best work.

I look forward to more.

.99centPoetry said...

Thanks Thom!!!

Yes,I know what you mean about pedestrian audiences,some were just patronizing without actually caring about content.

I suppose that would explain the name I've chosen,and what I'd prefer this to be about.Poetry,and for those who write or enjoy reading and dissecting it.

So good to see you my friend.
Much Love,