Monday, October 27, 2008

The Hug

I saw you today,and it had been awhile,longer than I can remember.Nothing had changed,noticeably.That crooked smile,the head trimmed perfectly into a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow,that odd way you speak with a barely noticeable under use of the tongue,the way you innocently stand too close for comfort when in conversation.
And that full of life and lacking of intention or agenda.Natural.The way you talk as if there is no-one else in the room but who you are talking to.How painfully tired and impossibly lovely you looked today.
We've known each other long,but never as well as we should.Our history that was always a given.How we always try and make up for lost time and absence through our fast and devoted discussions where we block everyone around us out...despite their constant insistence at being let in.
Today we held twice and I was thankful for both.The last one I felt held for too long,and not nearly long enough.I long to do so again,and know it will be so long that I will have forgotten the last.And rightfully so.
In that moment you held me,and held me.And every dream I ever had came to life,while ending simultaneously.


Thom said...

Somehow, almost impossibly, I understand this. Go to my blog archives and under 2006, read "All I Wanted." I can't believe how familiar this experience is...

.99centPoetry said...

Hmmm,Thom maybe we know the same guy ;-)